Source code for craft_providers.actions.snap_installer

# Copyright 2021-2022 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

"""Helpers for snap commands."""

import contextlib
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import shlex
import subprocess
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional

import requests
import requests_unixsocket  # type: ignore

from craft_providers import Executor
from craft_providers.bases.instance_config import InstanceConfiguration
from craft_providers.errors import ProviderError, details_from_called_process_error
from craft_providers.util import snap_cmd, temp_paths

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# possible sources for the snap (using these two constants instead
# of an enum because the values are persisted with JSON)
SNAP_SRC_HOST = "host"
SNAP_SRC_STORE = "store"

[docs]class SnapInstallationError(ProviderError): """Unexpected error during snap installation."""
def _download_host_snap( *, snap_name: str, output: pathlib.Path, chunk_size: int = 64 * 1024 ) -> None: """Download the current host snap using snapd's APIs.""" quoted_name = urllib.parse.quote(snap_name, safe="") url = f"http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/{quoted_name}/file" try: resp = requests_unixsocket.get(url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief="Unable to connect to snapd service." ) from error try: resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"Unable to download snap {snap_name!r} from snapd." ) from error with"wb") as stream: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size): stream.write(chunk) def _pack_host_snap(*, snap_name: str, output: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Pack the current host snap.""" command = snap_cmd.formulate_pack_command(snap_name, output) logger.debug("Executing command on host: %s", shlex.join(command)) command, capture_output=True, check=True, )
[docs]def get_host_snap_info(snap_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get info about a snap installed on the host.""" quoted_name = urllib.parse.quote(snap_name, safe="") url = f"http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/{quoted_name}" try: snap_info = requests_unixsocket.get(url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief="Unable to connect to snapd service." ) from error snap_info.raise_for_status() # TODO: represent snap info in a dataclass return snap_info.json()["result"]
def _get_target_snap_revision_from_snapd( snap_name: str, executor: Executor ) -> Optional[str]: """Get the revision of the snap on the target.""" quoted_name = urllib.parse.quote(snap_name, safe="") url = f"http://localhost/v2/snaps/{quoted_name}" cmd = ["curl", "--silent", "--unix-socket", "/run/snapd.socket", url] try: proc = executor.execute_run(cmd, check=True, capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief="Unable to get target snap revision." ) from error result = json.loads(proc.stdout) if result["status-code"] == 404: # snap not found return None if result["status-code"] == 200: return result["result"]["revision"] raise SnapInstallationError(f"Unknown response from snapd: {result!r}") def _get_snap_revision_ensuring_source( snap_name: str, source: str, executor: Executor ) -> Optional[str]: """Get revision of snap on target and ensure the installation source.""" instance_config = InstanceConfiguration.load(executor=executor) if instance_config is None or instance_config.snaps is None: return None config = instance_config.snaps.get(snap_name) if config is None: # not installed before return None # use 'get' to retrieve the source to support configs # saved by previous versions of the lib if config.get("source") == source: # previously installed from specified source: ok return config["revision"] # installed from other source: remove it logger.debug( "Snap %r installed from other source (%s), removing", snap_name, config ) cmd = snap_cmd.formulate_remove_command(snap_name) try: executor.execute_run(cmd, check=True, capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"Failed to inject snap {snap_name!r}.", details="unable to remove previously installed snap", ) from error return None @contextlib.contextmanager def _get_host_snap(snap_name: str) -> Iterator[pathlib.Path]: """Get snap installed on host containing the config. Snapd provides an API to fetch a snap. First use that to fetch a snap. If the snap is installed using `snap try`, it may fail to download. In that case, attempt to construct the snap by packing it ourselves. :yields: context manager that sets the temporary snap installation file as the target """ with temp_paths.home_temporary_directory() as tmp_dir: snap_path = tmp_dir / f"{snap_name}.snap" try: _download_host_snap(snap_name=snap_name, output=snap_path) except SnapInstallationError: logger.warning( "Failed to fetch snap from snapd," " falling back to `snap pack` to recreate" ) _pack_host_snap(snap_name=snap_name, output=snap_path) yield snap_path def _get_assertion(query: List[str]) -> bytes: """Get an assertion from snapd. :param query: assertion query to pass to `snap known` :returns: assertion data :raises SnapInstallationError: if 'snap known' call fails """ command = snap_cmd.formulate_known_command(query=query) logger.debug("Executing command on host: %s", command) try: return, capture_output=True, check=True).stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief="failed to get assertions for snap", details=details_from_called_process_error(error), ) from error @contextlib.contextmanager def _get_assertions_file( snap_name: str, snap_id: str, snap_revision: str, snap_publisher_id: str ) -> Iterator[pathlib.Path]: """Get an assertion file for a snap. :param snap_name: Name of snap to inject :param snap_id: ID of the snap :param snap_revision: Revision of the snap :param snap_publisher_id: The ID of the snap's publisher's account :yields: context manager that will set the temporary snap assertion file as the target """ logger.debug("Creating an assert file for snap %r", snap_name) assertion_queries = [ [ "account-key", "public-key-sha3-384=BWDEoaqyr25nF5SNCvEv2v" "7QnM9QsfCc0PBMYD_i2NGSQ32EF2d4D0hqUel3m8ul", ], ["snap-declaration", f"snap-name={snap_name}"], ["snap-revision", f"snap-revision={snap_revision}", f"snap-id={snap_id}"], ["account", f"account-id={snap_publisher_id}"], ] with temp_paths.home_temporary_file() as assert_file_path: with open(assert_file_path, "wb") as assert_file: for query in assertion_queries: assert_file.write(_get_assertion(query)) assert_file.write(b"\n") assert_file.flush() yield assert_file_path def _add_assertions_from_host(executor: Executor, snap_name: str) -> None: """Add assertions from the host into the target for a snap. :param executor: Executor for target :param snap_name: Name of snap to inject """ target_assert_path = pathlib.Path(f"/tmp/{snap_name}.assert") snap_info = get_host_snap_info(snap_name) try: with _get_assertions_file( snap_name=snap_name, snap_id=snap_info["id"], snap_revision=snap_info["revision"], snap_publisher_id=snap_info["publisher"]["id"], ) as host_assert_path: executor.push_file( source=host_assert_path, destination=target_assert_path, ) except ProviderError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"failed to copy assert file for snap {snap_name!r}", details="error copying snap assert file into target environment", ) from error try: executor.execute_run( snap_cmd.formulate_ack_command(snap_assert_path=target_assert_path), check=True, capture_output=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"failed to add assertions for snap {snap_name!r}", details=details_from_called_process_error(error), ) from error
[docs]def inject_from_host(*, executor: Executor, snap_name: str, classic: bool) -> None: """Inject snap from host snap. :param executor: Executor for target :param snap_name: Name of snap to inject :param classic: Install in classic mode :raises SnapInstallationError: on failure to inject snap """ logger.debug("Installing snap %r from host (classic=%s)", snap_name, classic) host_revision = get_host_snap_info(snap_name)["revision"] target_revision = _get_snap_revision_ensuring_source( snap_name=snap_name, source=SNAP_SRC_HOST, executor=executor, ) logger.debug("Revisions found: host=%r, target=%r", host_revision, target_revision) if target_revision is not None and target_revision == host_revision: logger.debug( "Skipping snap injection:" " target is already up-to-date with revision on host" ) return target_snap_path = pathlib.Path(f"/tmp/{snap_name}.snap") is_dangerous = host_revision.startswith("x") if not is_dangerous: _add_assertions_from_host(executor=executor, snap_name=snap_name) with _get_host_snap(snap_name) as host_snap_path: try: executor.push_file( source=host_snap_path, destination=target_snap_path, ) except ProviderError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"failed to copy snap file for snap {snap_name!r}", details="error copying snap file into target environment", ) from error try: executor.execute_run( snap_cmd.formulate_local_install_command( classic=classic, dangerous=is_dangerous, snap_path=target_snap_path ), check=True, capture_output=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"failed to install snap {snap_name!r}", details=details_from_called_process_error(error), ) from error InstanceConfiguration.update( executor=executor, data={ "snaps": {snap_name: {"revision": host_revision, "source": SNAP_SRC_HOST}} }, )
[docs]def install_from_store( *, executor: Executor, snap_name: str, channel: str, classic: bool ) -> None: """Install snap from store into target. Perform installation using method which prevents refreshing. :param executor: Executor for target. :param snap_name: Name of snap to install. :param channel: Channel to install from. :param classic: Install in classic mode. :raises SnapInstallationError: on unexpected error. """ logger.debug( "Installing snap %r from store (channel=%r, classic=%s)", snap_name, channel, classic, ) target_revision = _get_snap_revision_ensuring_source( snap_name=snap_name, source=SNAP_SRC_STORE, executor=executor, ) logger.debug("Revision found in target: %r", target_revision) if target_revision is None: # no snap present in the target environment, just install it cmd = snap_cmd.formulate_remote_install_command( snap_name=snap_name, channel=channel, classic=classic, ) else: # refresh the already installed snap cmd = snap_cmd.formulate_refresh_command( snap_name=snap_name, channel=channel, ) try: executor.execute_run(cmd, check=True, capture_output=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SnapInstallationError( brief=f"Failed to install/refresh snap {snap_name!r}.", details=details_from_called_process_error(error), ) from error new_target_revision = _get_target_snap_revision_from_snapd( snap_name=snap_name, executor=executor, ) logger.debug("Revision after install/refresh: %r", new_target_revision) InstanceConfiguration.update( executor=executor, data={ "snaps": { snap_name: {"revision": new_target_revision, "source": SNAP_SRC_STORE} } }, )